1912 Brides Catalog


Prices in this catalog match those from 1912

There is an interior date stamp of August 17, 1914. As the stamping is upside down and in an odd place this may be a “stray” stamping of someone testing to see if their stamp had ink.  Prices here for the most part do not match the 1914 price list.

Some images in this catalog are the same ones used in the first Stieff Catalog of 1910.

This is a scanned copy  of a re-print from 1993 by Michael Merrill. At the time of publishing, Merrill gave the age as 1914. I believe this to be a 1912 piece. I have deleted the sections that Merrill added to promote his business. I do not know what part that he may have edited from the original piece (if any) to insert his business promotions.

A small hole at the top of each page is evidence that this was once in a binder or hung from a chain with a binder clip through it.

From my personal collection of Stieff papers


This page is enlarged, so spoon shown is slightly larger than the real spoon of the period  (5&7/8th inches)

On the page below...I do not believe the oddly placed date stamp to be indicative of this piece being from 1914. Prices in this catalog do not match that of other 1914 materials. I believe this stamp to be a test of someone of their stamp on an “old” catalog... and not a true date.


The Fish Knife shown here is different than the one shown in the 1914 pamphlet,

this one has more detail, and is the same price as the other. 

The page below is the same image from the 1910 Stieff catalog,  format of descriptions

is different and prices have been added.

I was not raised in Baltimore, nor in a house were oysters were served, so I can not personally fathom the idea that a ladle was needed serve oysters. It looks just like my soup ladle


Above and below images are directly from the 1910 Stieff catalog.


Above and below images are from the 1910 Catalog.


Image below from page 47 of the 1910 Stieff Catalog

As this is a copy of a copy, I have no image of the inside or back covers.